Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Exit Through the Gift Shop and Doctor Who

I recently got around to watching this... Banksy, you are one bad ass mother f*cker. Mr. Brainwash, I really loved your endearing qualities until you sold out the anti-business...? I guess? Anyway. I don't really care about the Oscar buzz, the movie is good, even with it's unfinished and incomplete feeling at the end. It doesn't need an award to confirm its awesomeness.

I don't really care about the idea about the whole thing being fake... It's still an awesome film.

And it says quite a bit about the modern art world and its patrons... No one does anything without technology anymore; the traditional ways are dying... It makes me sad, really. I learned how to paint with a local teacher, and the first thing I learned was how to use the style of the Renaissance painters and their process... There's a lot to be said for the old processes. It teaches patience and it teaches you your style and it helps you love your tools. Loving your paintbrushes and paints and canvas is important, because if they frustrate you then your art will suffer. And impatience in art can be your ruin, really. That's why modern art suffers, I think, people take things like portraits of Marilyn Monroe, for example, and change the color, and then sell it... It's sad, how there is less imagination... There's always limitless opportunity in imagination, and I get the feeling that people have become lazy with the influence of modern technology (not to sound like a freaking 80 year old or anything... oops too late). Turning off your cell phone, closing yourself in a room, and putting on a jazz or classical record really quietly,

I've also been watching Doctor Who. Obsessively. I'm at the beginning of season three, and dear god I dislike Martha. I very much want the Doctor to have his Rose again D': With Rose, he never had to tell her or ask her to do anything, fighting, saving someone's life, anything. Martha always needs instruction and it bothers me.



I am watching the episode "Blink" at the moment, and it might be the scariest one... This episode competes with the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode with the Gentlemen. I had nightmares for ages.

"They let you live to death." That right there. Is a creepy line. This episode is AWESOME. The perfect amount of tension and silent disturbance and the teeth on those angels are ridiculously terrifying...

I mean... dear god.

But the Doctor is like the best character ever... I especially am infatuated with David Tennant x] He's lovely!

And I have to say, I totally understand the statue thing. They've always made me nervous, how still and cold they are all the time and their blank white eyes and yeah... So. This episode will only increase the fear, probably. "Yippee ki-yay muther f*cker!"

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