Happy X-Mas imaginary people reading this! I already got a Beatles "Good Day Sunshine" tie and suspenders from my grandparents (I might post pictures later, with a story when I get around to calling them), so I'm in a Beatles-y mood. As if I'm ever NOT.
I'm sorry Paul McCartney, I adore you, but every time I hear this song I die a little on the inside.
Why oh why waste your amazing and brilliant singing and songwriting abilities on this song? Why?
Now I'll post something better to ease the pain.
Paul. You f***ing nailed this one. One of the best songs ever written in the history of rock music. Hell, maybe all music ever. Killer guitar solo by George too. A few things to say about the video: get lost Yoko, this is the Beatles. I don't care if you marry John but quit pissing Paul off, even now. Come on. Also, Paul, glad you lost the caveman look... very glad.
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